How To Psych Yourself In

Use affirmations to re-program the faulty wiring in your brain

> I will not fall off. I will not fall off. I will not fall off… <

Whenever I have to perform in front of other people, I get really nervous. My mind starts to run away with me…

“What if I make a mistake?”
“What if I look stupid?”
“What if I fail and everyone laughs at me?”
“What if I actually hurt myself or other people” — that was a biggie on my driving test.

And my stomach…well, that makes me want to run to the toilet.

Unless I do something to counteract these feelings, it is fairly likely that I will end up sitting on the nearest bog, a sobbing, gibbering wreck.

> Literally me, before every event ever <

Just before I have to perform, when my natural desire to shit all over my dreams (and myself) is at its strongest, I have used affirmations to help calm me down.

An affirmation is a short statement that you say about yourself in the present tense. For example, I am hungry, I am confident, I am scared, I am beautiful.

To “affirm” something means to say that is true, so an affirmation is a short statement that…

