Superhero Business Advice For Entrepreneurs

Is the “normal” way of doing business the right way?

Can you guess the Superhero yet?

As a new business owner and solopreneur, I am embarking on a fantastic adventure. I want to do everything I can in order to solve my customers’ problems, I want to delight them and make it right if they are unhappy.

I have been learning value creation, marketing, sales and systems from business gurus like Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuck, Zig Ziglar, Ramit Sethi, Iron Fist, Josh Kauffman and Marie Forleo.

I’ve got a mission, a platform, a product and…wait a second, did I just say Iron Fist from the Netflix Marvel Superhero series?

Yes, I did.

Iron Fist (whose special power is that he has developed a killer right hook through his warrior monk training), is not a figure that immediately comes to mind when thinking of famous business gurus. He does, however, espouse a philosophy that I subscribe to wholeheartedly that is illustrated by this scene from the TV show.

A bunch of executives are sat around a table discussing the pricing strategy of a new anti-parasitic drug which could save 50,000 lives per year.

Iron Fist: So you’re saying we can save lives at $5 a pill but you want to raise the price to $50? We should sell at cost price.

